


Welcome to Pianomega.

Here at Pianomega, you will learn to play a different way. Growing up as a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), I had to learn to process information in a different way.

Picking up the piano in my early teens, and receiving some basic instruction from my father, i quickly developed an ear for music, and advanced quickly, though despite my best efforts, the standard curriculum for musical learning did not process at all, and as such i had to learn in my own way, my 'omega' way.

With Pianomega, i now hope to teach others to play a different way. 

Discount for ages 45+


 10% discount for students aged 45 and over. You are never too old and it's never too late to learn. Something to entertain the family with, or teach the grandchildren in the future, or a new hobby to get into to.

As a business, pianomega is geared towards older students. It is often believed older people are 'stuck in thier ways' or 'unwilling to learn'.

Pianomega knows this is not the case, and we celebrate our older citizens.


Discount for the differently abled


 10% discount for students who are differently abled. Pianomega is Disability confident, to qualify for this discount, you must attend with a carer or show your blue badge.

Disability is not a barrier to learn music, such artists as Ray Charles and David Byrne are great examples of this.

At Pianomega, we pride ourself with celebrating disability, in all of it's forms.


At Pianomega, you are taught to play Piano, on a direct one to one basis.

you are a unique individual, and we all learn in different ways, at Pianomega, emphasis is placed towards your strengths, helping you to develop your own 'omega' way, learning what works for you, while the tutor cultivates and directs you on your journey.

Pianomega is geared towards mature students, as such we only accept students who are 18 and above. 

Each lesson is a 45 minute session, and the amount of lessons you require  differs, depending on your personal development, though as a guide, 48 lessons is the average required.


We are currently fully booked at our maximum of  30 students, and are no longer taking on.

for all enquiries

Email; Info@pianomega.co.uk

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